About the faculty:

The Faculty of Agriculture, as the first faculty of university of Zanjan, began its educational and research activities in 1975-1976 in two academic disciplines of Farm Management and Livestock Management with 63 students and 6 full-time faculty members. Following that, decsiplines of Agricultural Extension & Education, Horticulture, Plant Protection, Pedology, were established. Currently, this faculty has 8 Academic department entitled Department of Plant Genetic and Production Engineering, Department of Animal Science, Departments of Agricultural Extension Communication and Rural Development, Department of Communication and Rural Development, Department Of Horticulture, Department of Plant Protection, Department of Soil Science & Engineering, Department of Water Sciences and Engineering, and Department of Food Science and Technology. Overall, the Faculty offers 8 undergraduate majors, 22 graduate majors, and 19 postgraduate majors. It should be noted that 130 students have graduated in the descipline of "Beekeeping" at the associate degree level, And 20 people have graduated from this faculty in food industry at the non-consecutive undergraduate level; however, these two disciple are no longer held by the university of Zanjan. The number of faculty members of this faculty in April of 2019, is 79 people, which is given in the following table based on academic department and academic rank.


Academic department

Number of faculty members

                                    academic rank


Assistant profecssor

Associate Professor

Plant Genetic and Production Engineering





Animal Science





Agricultural Extension Communication and Rural Development





Plant Protection










Soil Science & Engineering





Water Sciences and Engineering





Food Science and Technology





Total numbers









Faculty Structure

Dean of the Faculty :

Director of the faculty: Dr. Ali Shams Tel: 33052348

 Deputy of Education:

Vice Chancellor for Education: Dr. Mohammad Badsar Tel: 33052818


Deputy of research

Vice Chancellor for Research: Dr. Ali Reza Yousefi Tel: 33052804


Deans of the Faculty of Agriculture from past until now:


academic rank

Term of office





Seyed Mahmoud Asadi

Assistant profecssor




Mir Emadaddin Bozurgzadeh

Assistant profecssor



Agronomy and plant breeding

Hossein Sarmi




Plant Protection (Plant Pathology)

Ahmed Gheidi

Assistant profecssor



Agricultural Economics

Mostafa Memarian

Assistant profecssor



Animal science

)animal nutrition(

Jalal Saba




Agronomy and plant breeding

Khalil Jamshidi

Associate Professor



Agronomy and plant breeding

Morteza Movahadi Fazel

Associate Professor



Plant Protection (Agricultural entomology)

Mohammadreza Azimi

Assistant profecssor



Agronomy and plant breeding

Mahmoudhossein Shahir

Associate Professor



Animal science (poultry nutrition)

Alireza Vezi




soil science






Manager staffs                   

Office Manager: Mr. Jabar Khodayi    Contact number: 33052348

Administrative Manager: Mr. Karimi Contact number: 33052246

Accountant: Mrs. Ashrafi, contact number: 33052227

Supplier: Mr. Bahman Khodayi, contact number: 33052226

Public affair administration:  Mr. Moradlou, contact number: 33052378

Head of Department: 

Head of Plant Genetic and Production Engineering Department: Dr. Majid Pouryousef: phone +98 24 3305 4517/ +98 24 3305 4554/ email: pouryousef [at] znu.ac.ir

Head of horticultural science department: Dr. Mohsen Sani Khani Tel +98 24 3305 4558 e-mail:   sani [at] znu.ac.ir:

Head of plant protection department: Dr. Davood Kolivand Tel : +98 24 3305 4053 email: Koolivand [at] znu.ac.ir

Head of Soil Science and Engineering department: Dr. Mohammad BabaAkbari Sari Tel +98 24 3305 2717  Email: babaakbari[at]znu.ac.ir

Head of Animal Science department: Dr. Mohammad Baqer Zandi Bagche Maryam Tel +98 24 3305 2241:

email mbzandi [at] znu.ac.ir

Head of Communication and Rural Development department: Dr. Heydar Qolizadeh Tel+98 24 3305 334 Email  :badsar[at]znu.ac.ir

Head of Water Sciences and Engineering department: Dr. Hassan Oaghlou Tel: +98 24 3305 2388 email ojaghlou[at]znu.ac.ir

Head of food industry department: Mandana Bimakr Tel: +98 24 3305 2651 Email: mandana.bimakr[at]znu.ac.ir

.Introduction of research deputy

Considering the wide range of research activities, the necessity of guiding and supporting researchers and creating a suitable platform for scientific and research activities, an organization called " research deputy " is very important in every faculty.


research deputy is focued on new-emerging field

leading research towards regional and national needs

developing  and improving the quality of research in various fields of agriculture

Extending and expanding research relationships and promoting new relationships with domestic and international scientific institutions

The services provided and the most important tasks of research deputy:

  • Carrying out Matters related to the approval of internal projects in the faculty and reffering them to to the university's research deputy
  • Carrying outMatters related to the participation of faculty members in scientific assemblies inside and outside the country and study opportunities
  • Carrying out Matters related to the promotion of faculty members in the faculty
  • Introducing graduate students to centers outside the university to work on the thesis or dissertation
  • Introducing undergraduate students for internship to different centers
  • Following up on the approvals related to the faculty in the University Research Council
  • Examination of documents and selection of top researchers at the faculty level
  • Following up the process of publishing books authored and edited by faculty members
  • Supervising the library and computer center of the faculty

Library and publications

The library of the Faculty of Agriculture started its activity in 1997 , which currently has 13,656 Persian book titles, 2,027 English book titles, and 60 Persian and English magazine titles. Currently, the physical space of the Library, including study halls, is about 400 square meters, which includes the Loan Section, the reference and publications section , and the technical service department. note that students can use the scientific services of this library by presenting a student card, and academic staff members of educational groups and university staff by presenting an identification card.

Persian and English magazines: 60

English books:2027

Persian books:13656

Library staff (librarians):

Name: Adel Saadati                  education: librarianship   position: librarian and technical expert

Tel: 02433052461   email: saadati.adel @ znu.ac.ir

work hours:  Saturday to Wednesday: 8:00 AM to 3:45 PM   study halls: 8 am to 3:45 pm

address: Faculty Library, Faculty of Agriculture, Univarsity of Zanjan, Tabriz Road

postal code 38791-45371

Tel: 02433052461   email: lib_Agr @ znu.ac.ir


Computer centers

The purpose of this department is to provide ongoing information and communication technology services andprovide  university hardware, software and network systems.

The relevant duties of this section are as follows:


  • Solving hardware and software problems of all computer systems in the network
  • Updating the website of the faculty under the supervision of the university informatics unit
  • Providing services related to internet and e-mail accounts of students under the supervision of the university's informatics unit
  • Preparation of identity card for any network computers
  • Investigating and applying methods and solutions to deal with virus infiltration and contamination
  • Software and hardware support for classes equipped with data projectors
  • Software support for all applications used in the network and centers, including (office automation, learning software, website, Attendance System,accounting, etc.)
  • buying, repairing and updating IT equipment
  • advising  in the descipline  of IT and guidance and cooperation with managers, employees and students in choosing the available software, hardware and databases and other resources needed to meet the requirements.
  • Examining the existing products and systems and proposing possible alternatives to meet the specified requirements
  • Installing, adjusting and changing software, networks, data banks and other systems

Faculty computer centers:

undergraduate 's site: 40 systems

graduate 's and postgraduate site: 20 systems

Computer class number 1 and 2: 20 devices

credible journal

  • Publications portal with ISC profile
  • The portal of scientific publications of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
  • Portal of scientific publications of the Ministry of Health
  • The portal of scientific research publications of seminaries
  • The portal of Review journal publications of seminaries
  • List of scientific and research publications of the Ministry of Health 2019:


Contact with research deputy

Dr. Ali Reza Yousefi phone: 024-3305-2804 Email: yousefi.alireza[at]znu.ac.ir

Research staff:

Informatics expert: Mahmoud Moradi Contact number: 02433052481

email: moradi_m [at] znu.ac.ir working hours: Saturday to Wednesday 8 to 15:30

Publisher: Hamdulah Karimi Contact number: 02433052211 Working  hours: Saturday to Wednesday 8 to 15:30

Librarian: Mr. Adel Saadati Contact number: 02433052461 Email: lib_agr [at] znu.ac.irsaadati.adel [at] znu.ac.ir Working  hours: Saturday to Wednesday 8 to 15:30

Research Expert: Ms. Shakuri Contact number: 02433052553 Email: j.mta [at] znu.ac.ir Working  hours: Saturday to Wednesday 8 to 15:30

Educational-research farm

The educational-research farm of the Faculty of Agriculture was established since the establishment of Zanjan University (1974). This complex includes 200 hectares of agricultural land, including 100 hectares of irrigated agricultural lands, 8 hectares of fruitful gardens, 8 hectares of research farms, 7 hectares of educational farms, and the rest of the land is for animal husbandry (cattle, sheep, horse and poultry breeding) and an agricultural machinery workshop. In order to carry out the educational affairs of the agricultural and research faculty, it provides services for postgraduate courses.


Profiles of staffs of the Educational-research farm of the Faculty of Agriculture

Dr. Davood Zahmathesh Head of the farm

Dr. Davood Aliari: Head animal husbandry units P.H.D in ruminant nutrition

Farm facilities

Sheep breeding unit

The facilities of the sheep breeding unit include two breeding halls with an area of 900 square meters, 4 barns with an area of 300 square meters each, a fodder warehouse with an area of 100 square meters, and a worker and student building with an area of 80 square meters. About 300 ewes, rams and lambs of Afshari and Shall are kept in the herd.

The project of transferring the prolificacy gene to Afshari sheep started in 2015 in the sheep breeding unit of Zanjan University, which is one of the successful projects in the country that has reached the stage of mass commercialization.

Cattle unit

The dairying complex with a capacity of 150 Cattle is in operation and has breeding halls for dairy cows and a small fattening section, which is used for educational and research purpose; the milk is sold to the market daily. the usual cattle breeding equipment, including breeding halls, It has a milking parlor, hay loft and Concentrate, and usual machines, including a mixer feeder.

Poultry unit

It includes a poultry unit with 5000 laying hens, 5000 broiler hens and 5000 research hens that are used for production and research purposes.

Research farm

The research farm with an area of 8 hectares is located in the eastern part of the university and the entire area is surrounded by a fence. The whole farm is piped to distribute water under pressure and the land is divided into 35 x 35 meter pieces and an Riser is installed in the corner of each piece. Currently, most of the research projects are irrigated with the drip tape irrigation method, which, in addition to the uniform distribution of water and optimal plant nutrition, saves water consumption, which has led to the accuracy of the implementation of research projects.

Research farm manager: Mr. Dr. Farhang Razavi (Ph.D. in physiology and breeding of fruit trees)

keeping and breeding horses

In addition to keeping and breeding horses and holding horse riding training courses, this unit in the educational farm is a place for practical training for animal science students, and supports the completion of related theses and research activities on nutrition and horse genetics.

Agricultural field and garden

The farm of University of Zanjan has 130 hectares of irrigated farmland, all of which are equipped with pressurized irrigation systems. Of this amount, 12 hectares have a center pivot irrigation system, 65.5 hectares have a fixed classic irrigation system, and 45 hectares are equipped with drip tape irrigation that is implemented on the ground and can be collected and transferred to the warehouse. Also, 8 hectares of farm land is a fruitful garden(apple) that is irrigated with a drip irrigation system.

Department of Water Sciences and Engineering

Introducing the activities of the water engineering department

The water engineering department of University of Zanjan was formed and started working in 2014 based on the following educational and research objectives:

Educational goals :

Training of expert in the fields of:

  • Accurate planning of irrigation and water management in the field
  • Studying, designing and implementing water channels and structures in irrigation and drainage networks
  • Study, design and implementation of diversion dams - embankment dam and related facilities
  • Study and implementation methods related to river engineering
  • Study, design and implementation of pumping plant
  • Study, design and implementation of gravity and pressurized water transmission lines
  • Design and implementation of surface, low-pressure and pressurized irrigation systems
  • Studying, designing and implementing surface and underground drainage systems
  • Studying mattars related to the management of surface, subsurface and underground water resources from a quantitative and qualitative point of view
  • Agricultural meteorological studies

Research goals:

  • understanding the issues and problems related to the management of water resources and providing solutions for their correction and improvement
  • Determination of agricultural water consumption productivity indicators and ways to increase them in Zanjan province and Iran
  • Examining issues and providing solutions to problems related to water supply systems, irrigation networks and water transmission lines
  • Evaluating of new methods in quantitative and qualitative investigation of surface and underground water resources in Zanjan province and Iran
  • Computer and numerical simulations and building physical models in order to analyze various phenomena in water engineering
  • Providing advising services (demand-oriented) in order to solve the problems governing water-specialized projects in Zanjan province and the country of Iran.
  • Forming working groups and research cores in order to hold seminars, courses and specialized educational workshops in the field of various issues in the descipline  of water engineering.



Water science and engineering clusters

The descipline  of water science and engineering in the new educational planning of the Ministry of Science is divided into 13 specialized clusters as follows:

1) Irrigation and drainage

2) water structures

3) Water resources

4) Agricultural meteorology

5) Water and information technology (joint with the information technology bachelor's degree from the technical and engineering faculty  )

6) Water and system engineering cluster (jointly with the descipline  of industrial engineering from the technical faculty

7) Water and environment (joint with the environment descipline  from the resources group

natural and civil engineering from the technical and engineering faculty  )

8) Water and agriculture (joint with a combination of different disciplines from the agriculture group)

9) Water and development (jointly with the descipline  of geography from the faculty  of humanities)

10) Water and economy (joint with the economics descipline  from the faculty  of humanities)

11) Water and governance (joint with social sciences from the faculty  of humanities)

12) Water and law (joint with the law descipline  from the faculty  of humanities)

13) Engineering of Historical Water Works and Structures (proposed by Iran's National Water Treasure Institute)

Subdisciplines of water science and engineering in graduate 's and postgraduate courses:

The descipline  of water science and engineering is divided into three Subdisciplines as follows:

1) Irrigation and drainage

2) Water structures

3) Water sources

Currently, the Department of Water Engineering is accepting students in two majors, irrigation and drainage and water structures, and in the graduate course.

Fields of activity of water science and engineering graduates


  • advising engineer companies: studies, design and supervision of projects related to water engineering
  • Contracting engineering companies: implementation of projects related to water engineering
  • Manufacturing and industrial companies and institutions related to water engineering
  • Government departments such as organizations and companies under the Ministry of Energy and Jihad Agriculture
  • Research, research and educational institutions related to water engineering

About the Department of Soil Science and Engineering

Soil engineering is one of the most important academic desciplines in University of Zanjan. Students in the fields of empirical sciences, mathematics and agricultural conservatories, relying on the knowledge of biology, geology, chemistry and physics, can choose this discipline and continue their undergraduate's, graduate's and postgraduate  course in University of Zanjan. In the graduate's and postgraduate  levels, all kinds of study Subdisciplines have been established in this university since 2010, and many students from all over the country are currently studying in these Subdisciplines. This discipline is one of the main needs of organizations such as agriculture, natural resources, environment, civil engineering, research centers and private companies. Fortunately, the presence of expert professors in this discipline in University of Zanjan has made the discipline of soil engineering one of the leading discipline in the University, and the graduates of this field at different levels of study can be efficient people in  government institutions and private companies, advising engineers and authoritative and  publish articles in various national and international magazines postgraduate students also work as professors in the country's universities. Those interested can read their information about the professors and their fields of study by visiting the University of Zanjan website. For more information of the students, below is the introduction of this discipline and the fields of employment in it.


  1. Soil erosion in Iran is the most important environmental crisis. The occurrence of floods and dust is one of the basic problems of the country. The methods of dealing with erosion can be done through the principles of soil protection engineering in agricultural lands, rivers and dry and desert areas. Graduates of this field can do the necessary cooperation in the field of soil protection engineering and desertification by being employed in agriculture, natural resources and watershed management organizations or by establishing private companies.
  2. Iran is located in the arid and semi-arid area of the world, and the water shortage is an important issue in the country. Soil is the most important storage reservoir of water on the surface of the planet. Water conservation is necessary to meet the needs of humans, plants and animals. Engineering methods to conserve water in the soil (creating dams, artificial forests, etc.) and accurately determining the water needs of plants to improve the performance of agricultural products are fundamental issues in the field of soil engineering. Graduates of this field can provide necessary services for water conservation in the country by being employed in agricultural, natural resources and regional water organizations or by establishing private companies.

Communication with Faculty of Agriculture

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