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Akbar Hassani

Akbar Hassani
Assistant professor


      +98 (0) 24 3305 2800
Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture University of Zanjan, University Blvd., 45371-38791, Zanjan, I. R. Iran


Teaching and Development

1. Soil Silence, basics

2. Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition

3. Soil Microbiology

4. Plant and Microbes Symbiosis

5. Fertilizers Production Technology

6. Water quality in Crop Production

7. Fundamentals of Chemistry for agricultural students

8. Analytical chemistry for agricultural students

Current and past research projects

Course: PhD

No. Student Date of Defence Field Topic Supervisor/ Advisor
1 Zohre Rohi Vishekaii November  2019 Horticulture Effect of Foliar spray improved and chemical fertilizers of nitrogen, potassium and boron on flowering, fruit set, quality and quantity properties of olive (Olea europaea L. cv. Zard) oil   Advisor

Course: M.Sc

No. Student Date of Defence Field Topic Supervisor/ Advisor
17 Maryam Etemadian July  2017 Soil Biology and Biotechnology Effects of organic and inorganic acids on some biological characteristics of calcareous soils and corn yield   SuperVisor
16 Farogh sarkar August  2017 Horticulture The effect of preharvest methyl jasmonate and fulvic acid sprys on biochemical and antioxidant properties of sour cherry cultivar Gysy   Advisor
15 Hamid Khatibi February  2019 Soil Biology and Biotechnology The Effect of Different Microbial Consortia on the Degradation of Agricultural and Urban Waste   SuperVisor
14 َAisan Samadi November  2018 Soil Biology and Biotechnology The application effects of potassium solubilizing biofertilizer on growth, and biological yield of corn and red radish under drought stress   SuperVisor
13 Nadia Emami October  2018 Soil Biology and Biotechnology Effects of Biofertilizer on Organic Carbon Production, and Chemical Composition of Turfgrass, N2O Emissions and Some Physic-chemical Properties of Soil.   SuperVisor
12 Mohsen Mozafari September  2018 Horticulture Application Effects of pre-harvest fulvic acid and selenium sprays on quality and antioxidant properties of grape (cv. Fakhri).   Advisor
11 samaneh badrloo September  2018 Soil Biology and Biotechnology the effects of vermicompost and azotobacter chroococcum on corn growth and Zn uptake in contaminated soils   Advisor
10 Mahsa Mohammadzadeh August  2018 Environmental Science Investigating the Composting Procedure Types on the Amount of Ciprofloxacin and Enrofloxacin Antibiotics in Chicken Manure Compost and Its Application Effects on the Some Beneficial Bacteria in Soils   SuperVisor
9 Javad alipanah Yekta September  2018 Soil Biology and Biotechnology feasibility of improving the biological properties of sodic soils using the biochar gypsum and aluminium sulfate   Advisor
8 Farhad Azizi May  2019 horticulture Effects of pre-harvest calcium compounds sprays on quality and antioxidant properties of pear “Dargazi” fruit   Advisor
7 Shabnam Yaghoobifar March  2019 Horticulture Study ofqualitative and biochemical characteristics of some Iranian and imported Hazelnut genotypes in Rudsar Area   Advisor
6 Maryam Shakoori November  2018 ُSoil Science The effect of nano and micro silica and ferrosilicon coated with chitosan on lead availability of a contaminated soil   Advisor
5 Hakimeh Bigdeloo February  2020 Horticulture Effect of humic acid, fulvic acid, and seaweed extracts on salinity tolerance of common marigold   Advisor
4 Hossein Sadat February  2020 Horticulture Effect of plant growth promoting Pseudomonas bacteria on salinity tolerance of common marigold in greenhouse condition   Advisor
3 Mehri Abolhasani February  2020 Soil Biology and Biotechnology Effects of Enrofloxacin on Chicken Manure Degradation under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions and its effect on soil microbial population.   SuperVisor
2 Sepide Mohtashami Shokoohi February  2020 ُSoil Science Spatial distribution of some qualitative characteristics of part of agricultural soils of Tehran county using geostatistics   SuperVisor
1 Niloofar Mirazababaie January  2020 Soil Biology and Biotechnology The effect of urea and potassium hydroxide on some microbial activities of degrading agricultural and urban waste   SuperVisor


Research projects (govermental)

1. Soil studies to determine water requirement for Shoor wetland  of Golpayegan



1- Establishment  of soil, fertilizer, water analysis laboratory (2012-2020)

Analysis of more than 1000 soil, fertilizer and water samples per year

2- Establishment of knowledge-based Company of Zist Nahade Pooya in Zanjan University Technology Incubator based on Production of environmentally friendly organic fertilizers (2016)

Acquisition of technical knowledge for humic acid production (2016)

Acquisition of technical knowledge for Fe-Humic production (2017)

Acquisition of technical knowledge for liquid fermented poultry manure production (2017-2018)

Acquisition of technical knowledge for seaweed extract of sargassum boveanum production (2018-2019)

Acquisition of technical knowledge for peat extract as a biostimulant fertilizer (2019-2020)

3- Management of the soil and agricultural exhibition of 16th Iranian Soil Science Congress, Uniersity of Zanjan, (2019)

Journal Articles

Ahmadi, M; Delavar, M.A; 2020. Lead removal from contaminated water using biochar and biomass of olive wast in bath adsorption systems: isotherms and kinetic studies. Jounrnal of water and soil consevrvation, 27(1), 109-126. https://iranjournals.nlai.ir/handle/123456789/199417


Mohammadzadeh, M.; Ghasemian Roudsari, F.; Hassani, A.; Zamani A. 2020. Effect of chicken manure containing enrofloxacin on soil respiration, microbial biomass, and population of some beneficial bacteria. Applied Biology. 32(4), 144-163. 10.22051/JAB.2019.20737.1234


Gholamhoseini, M., Atayi, R., Valipour, M., Hasani, A., Habibzadeh, F. 2020. Effect of zeolite and nitrogen fertilizer application on canola yield and nitrate leaching loss from root environment. Journal of Plant Ecophysiology, 12(2), 120-133. http://www.jpec.ir/article_669833.html

Rabiei, v., Yaghobifar, S., Razavi, F., Javadi, D., Hassani, A., 2020. Investigation of phytochemical compounds and antioxidant capacity of 11 cultivars and genotypes of hazelnut fruit in Rudsar Eshkevarat region. Food Science and Technology 17, 151-165. https://fsct.modares.ac.ir/browse.php?a_id=40546&sid=7&slc_lang=en


Sarkar, F., Amiri, M., Hassani, A. 2020. Impacts of Preharvest Sprays of Fulvic Acid on Qualitative and Antioxidant Properties of Sour Cherry cv. Gysy'. Horticultural Plant Nutrition, 2(2), 93-106. doi: 10.22070/hpn.2019.4568.1031


Azizi, F., rabiei, V., Hassani, A. 2019. Effects of pre-harvest calcium compounds sprays on quality and antioxidant properties of pear cv.“Dargazi”. Horticultural Plant Nutrition, 2(1), 129-144. doi: 10.22070/hpn.2019.4640.1039


Babaakbari, M., shakoori, M., Hassani, A., Seilsepour, M. 2019. Assessing pollution risk of heavy metals in some of Varamin agricultural soils. Applied Soil Research, 7(3), 14-24. http://asr.urmia.ac.ir/article_120746.html


Vishekaii, Z.R., Soleimani, A., Fallahi, E., Ghasemnezhad, M. and Hasani, A., 2019. The impact of foliar application of boron nano-chelated fertilizer and boric acid on fruit yield, oil content, and quality attributes in olive (Olea europaea L.). Scientia Horticulturae, 257, p.108689. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0304423819305758#!


Rohi Vishekaii, Z., Soleimani, A., Ghasemnezhad, M. and Hasani, A., 2019. The feasibility for replacement of urea with nitrogen nano-chelated fertilizer in olive (Olea europaea L.) orchards. Plant Physiology, 10(1), pp.3047-3058. http://ijpp.iau-saveh.ac.ir/article_670790.html


BabaAkbar Sari, M., shakori, M., hasani, A. 2019. Assessing heavy metals risk indices caused by vegetable consumption in varamin city. Journal of Soil Management and Sustainable Production, 9(1), pp. 119-133. http://ejsms.gau.ac.ir/article_4591.html


Mozaffari, M., Rabiei, V., Razavi, F., Kheiry, A., Hassani, A., 2019. Effect of Preharvest Spraying of Selenium on Qualitative and Biochemical Characteristics of Grape cv. Fakhri (Vitis vinifera cv. Fakhri). Journal of horticulture science 34, https://jhs.um.ac.ir/article/view/79017.


Rohi Vishekaii, Z., Soleimani, A., Ghasemnezhad, M., Hasani, A., 2019. The feasibility for replacement of urea with nitrogen nano-chelated fertilizer in olive (Olea europaea L.) orchards. Plant Physiology 10, 3047-3058. doi: 10.22034/ijpp.2019.670790


Hassani, A., Etemadian, M., Khatibi, H., 2018. The Effect of organic and inorganic acids on the physiology of reproduction and growth of earthworms, soil fauna, and microbial communities in calcareous soils. The quarterly jounrnl of animal physiology and development, 11, 1-16.


Hassani, A., Etemadian, M., Mehdi, N.H., Hanifei, H., 2018. Application effects of organic acids on growth of forage corn and concentration of nutritional elements in shoocts and roots. Journal of Water And Soil 32. https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20193051148


Mozaffari, M., Rabiei, V., Razavi, F., Kheiry, A., Hassani, A., 2018. Impacts of preharvest sprays of fulvic acid on some quality and antioxidant properties of grapes the Fakhry Cultivar (Vitis vinifera cv Fakhri). Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science 49, 813-825. https://www.sid.ir/en/journal/ViewPaper.aspx?id=655962


Etemadian, M., Hassani, A., Nourzadeh Haddad, M. Hanifei, M., 2017. Effect of organic and inorganic acids on the release of nutrients in calcareous soils. Journal of Water and Soil Conservation, 24(5), 73-91. doi: 10.22069/jwsc.2017.12528.2723


Hassani, A., 2017. Effect of enrichment and microbial inoculation on properties of sugar beet vinasse for application in farmland. Journal of Water and Soil Conservation 23, 253-268. https://www.magiran.com/paper/1680445?lang=en


Nourzadeh Haddad, M., Hassani, A., Karami Mighadam, M., 2017. Comparison the Efficiency of Aquasorb and Accepta Superabsorbent Polymers in Improving Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties of Soil and Tomato Turnover under Greenhouse Condition. Journal of Water And Soil 31, 156-167. https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20173241906


Hassani, A., Amiri, M., 2016. Effect of foliar application of amino acids on nitrogen use efficiency, grain yield and quality of barley. Applied Field Crops Research 29, 76-86. https://aj.areeo.ac.ir/article_115264_en.html


Hasani, A., Nourzadeh Haddad, M., 2016. Effect of Ammonium Nitrate and Free Amino Acids on the Nitrate Accumulation in Radish. Water and Soil Science, 26, 67-78. https://www.magiran.com/paper/1662486?lang=en


Hassani, A., Bahrami, H., Noroozi, A., Oustan, S., 2014. Visible-near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for assessment of soil properties in gypseous and calcareous soils. Journal of Watershed Engineering and Management. https://www.magiran.com/paper/1279354?lang=en


Hassani, A., Rahnemaie, R., Malakouti, M., 2011. Effect of calcium carbonate and ionic strength on boron adsorption in calcareous soils. The Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 24(2), 117-126. https://www.sid.ir/en/Journal/ViewPaper.aspx?ID=207158


Majidi, A., Rahnemaie, R., Hassani, A., Malakouti, M.J., 2010. Adsorption and desorption processes of boron in calcareous soils. Chemosphere 80, 733-739. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.05.025


conference papers

Mirzababaie, N., Hassani, A., 2019. The Effect of Urea and Potassium Hydroxide on the Decomposition of Organic Residues. 16th Iranian Soil Science Congress, Zanjan. Iran.


Shakoori, M., Babaakbari, M., Hasani, A. Abdoosi, S. 2019. Effect of Nano, Micro, Ferrosilicon, Magnesium Ferosilicon with and without Coating with Chitosan, Chitosan and Bentonite on lead, zinc and cadmium in a contaminated soil, 16th Iranian Soil Science Congress, Zanjan. Iran


Shakoori, M., Babaakbari, M., Hasani, A. Abdoosi, S. 2019. Comparison of the absorption capacity of various mineral and organic modifiers for the removal of lead from aqueous solutions. 16th Iranian Soil Science Congress, Zanjan. Iran.


Zohre Rohi Vishekaii1, Ali Soleimani, Mahmood Ghasemnezhad, Akbar Hasani. 2019. The impact  of foliar  application of nitrogen nano- chelated fertilizer on oil content  and quality attributes in Olive (Olea europaea L.). 1st International Congress and the 2nd National Conference on Biotechnology of Medicinal Plants and Mushrooms, Zanjan, Iran.


Shabnam Yaghobifar , Farhang Razavi,  Vali Rabiei, Davood Javadi, Akbar Hassani. 2019. Investigation of some pomological and biochemical characteristics of some cultivars and genotypes of hazelnut in Rudsar Eshkevarat region. 11th Congress of Iranian Horticultural Science, Orumieh University, Orumieh, Iran.


Shabnam Yaghobifar , Farhang Razavi,  Vali Rabiei, Davood Javadi, Akbar Hassani. 2019. Investigation of antioxidant compounds of four Iranian and imported hazelnut genotypes in Rudsar Eshkowrat region. 11th Congress of Iranian Horticultural Science, orumieh university, orumieh, Iran.


Jaber Azami, Akbar Hassani, Younes Khosravi, Alireza Motevalli,. 2018. Spatial changes of Acidity, Salinity and Cac03 in Surface Sediments of Golpayegan salt wetland. The fourth conference of the Iranian Sedimentological Association. , Zanjan, Iran.


Aisan Samadi, Akbar Hassani, Majid Gholamhoseini,. 2018. The application effects of potassium solubilizing biofertilizer on growth, and biological yield of corn and red radish under drought stress. 1th National Congress of Horticulture and Crop Production. Gonbad, Iran.


Emami Nadia, Akbar Hassani, Alireza Vaezi, Mohammad Babaakbari ,. 2018. The Effect of Pantoea agglomerans bacteria on growth and quality of grass and its comparison with urea fertilizer. 1th National Congress of Horticulture and Crop Production. Gonbad, Iran.


Hamid Khatibi and Akbar Hassani,. 2017.Effect of effective microorganisms (EM) on carbon decomposition of spent mushroom substrate. 15th Iranian Soil Science Congress, Isfahan. Iran.